kemps in oz

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Just when you think that views can't get any more spectaclar they do! We travelled on past the Twelve Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge, London Bridge (which has fallen down) and the Grotto. Will show the pictures when we get back too many to put on here. We arrived at Warrnambool which is know for whale watching. We haven't seen a great deal of wildlife up to now apart from a koala and the odd kangeroo so didn't hold out much hope of seeing any whales. Still not to be put off we pulled at a place called Logans beach being assured that we would see a whale or two. We'd only been standing there for a couple of minutes when one was spotted and to make things even better it had a calf. The calf jumped, spouted, waved it's fins putting on a right show while mum just swam behind. Amazing!!!

The Otway Fly Treetop Walk.

This seemed like a good idea. The walk is through the temperate rainforest where the mountain ash grow to over 100m tall. The walkway is about 20-25 metres above ground level. What I didn't realise was that the walk way was made of mesh and I could see right through it to the forest floor added to that it was a bit springy as well. Graham then forced me to climb the tower which takes you up to 47 metres high. I was terrified but I managed to get back down eventually.

The Great Ocean Road.

We are now travelling along the Great Ocean Road. It starts in Torquay and is approx 285km long. The first part is mainly surf beaches which are miles long and deserted apart from a few mad surfers. The views are spectacular. Keep leaving the main road to visit headlands and beaches and don't seem to be making a lot of progress forward. Never mind we have plenty of time.

The Journey Begins.

August 14th 2006.

Finally we are ready to go. Decided not to travel through Melbourne and to take the scenic route through the Mornington Peninsula and across on the ferry to Queenscliff. The idea is that we need to average approx 100km per day to get to Cairns in time for Christmas. Unfortunatley we missed the last ferry and had to spend the night on the Peninsular. Decided to make the best of it and visited Arthurs seat and stopped at the Pig & Whistle for a drink as you do.

The van in all it's glory.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The search is on for our new home.

The first van we saw was on E-Bay. It was a little too big and dog rough inside.
The second van we saw was smaller but didn't have a shower or toilet.
None of the vans we saw after this were what I wanted but Graham tried to persuade me that if we spent less on the van we could stay in cabin more often. I gave in and we have got a Nissan URvan which was cheap and came with lots of extras (tow rope ,tool kit, telly, microwave, large fridge for beer.) It doesn't have a shower or toilet but we can get a portapottie if we need one!

Graham is now in his element tinkering with all the bits and pieces.

Hope to set off later this week. Photos to follow.

Arrived safe and well 30th July. Got bus from airport to the bus station in Melbourne and Graham decided that as it was only a short walk to the hotel we wouldn't bother with a cab. I have to say I did have my reservations what with it being midnight with us in a strange town carrying all our worldly goods with us. Made it in one piece and lived to tell the tale.

Next morning phone rings and Jim (Graham's uncle) is on the phone making sure that we had arrived and tells us that Barrie ( Graham's cousin) may ring. No call came and we decided to check out only to find Barrie and Sue in reception. We have left the phone off the hook!!

Spent day sorting car and phones and drove to Inverloch just down the road (about 120 miles).